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Meeting my soul mate

I decided this time round that I would write a poem, a very specific one that detailed exactly what I wanted my soul mate to be like. My previous relationships had mostly come about by accident and one was a blind date, by accident I mean you meet at a party, at work etc. you get asked out and before long you are in another relationship, well that was my story anyway.

None of that was going to happen again, I analysed the past relationships and realised that I had spent more time shopping for groceries and a frock than I had for a relationship. On reflection, as a tick the list of sort of person, I realised I had something specific in mind when shopping, if it was clothing it was size, price, how did it look, fit and how often would I wear it? The shopping list was the same, was it healthy, useful and needed? Umm what if I applied this same theory for my next relationship, maybe this time it might last more than the five or six years that was the current timeframe and why did I always seem to get the seven year itch just before it was close to happening?

The other thing that I was most proud of was that I had never been married and told myself from a very early age that I never wanted to either… the power of affirmations! Repeat the mantra and that’s what happens… I had been affirming to the universe for decades that I would never be married and so it was, a few offers along the way sent me into a spin, but they were dissolved quickly into a fine mist gone forever.

Maybe time to write that list, get specific and read it out loud to friends when the moment arose. In September 2009 the poem was complete and was read over and over to instil the power of possibility and the wonder of affirmations. A test of “putting it out there” and actually receiving, was in motion and I must say extremely invigorating! I decided I would be happy if my soul mate met a 70% pass, no one could be a 100 percent.

With my poem daily affirming into my subconscious, I became a victim of internet dating. “you have to try it Denise… my friends would say, we’ve been on it for years… well that could be a big reason not to I thought, surely I can meet my soul mate at a random bus stop or while out for a walk or dancing crazily at an Irish Bar. OK damn it I will do it, anyway as a Life Coach, surely I need to experience most things myself to understand my clients situations and how best to help them overcome obstacles. This was my justification!

With the visa card in my hand, the profile written, photo up I was ready for whatever was to arise from the ashes of the fire burning within. I was only to profile on Find Someone for one month, then the test would be over, complete and I could move on either single or not. Three dates over three weeks! My friends who had suggested the idea were to meet me after each date so we could download the good, the bad and the humour.

My idea was to meet at a café suggested by the dating culprit, first date was at Starbucks, (failing the first test) and then he read from a scrunched up piece of paper his ideal woman, another fail and then asked if I had any single friends. The guy sitting behind us in Starbucks was beside himself sniggering, listening in to this below 10 points date!

Next was a very small man with huge issues who didn’t end up finishing his coffee and ran out the door when I decided to be brave and say this isn’t going to work for me. At least the café was spot on, a good choice.

Finally, the stalker who after the first date had managed to track down some of my family members and declare his love for me. Not sure if I have been that clear on my affirmations or maybe the universe was just having a laugh. With the month ended I can at least say I tried online dating!

On Monday morning Metro Man had sent me a message, how did that happen? I realised that I had not ticked one month only and my visa had clicked over to another month on the dating site. Damn it, or maybe not!

He looks actually OK, maybe time for a different tactic, a phone call rather than a coffee, A great conversation and I laughed and laughed… date and time locked in for our first date March 2011.

Rick and I got married on the 01 January 2016 and you guessed it the poem was read out after we said our I do’s… the power of affirming!

If you need help with setting goals, affirmations and clarity give me a confidential call.

My New Mate

He’s my true old soul mate

He loves to dance

He has a lovely smile and a load of depth

He laughs, loves music

And knows the right words to say

He loves me and will do forever

He cooks on the BBQ

And loves to entertain

He dresses so cool it drives me insane

He loves my son like I do, he’s so kind

There’s no racism in his beautiful body

He’s creative and has money of his own

We complement each other

We are so in the zone

His knowledge is of a higher power

I love like I’ve never loved

You are my tower

Wow and you love the sea too

You are my one and only, you are so true

We bring an energy to each other

That lights us from within

Together we brighten the bulbs that have grown so dim

We are on our journey you and I

Let’s get together now

And teach the world to fly